Mind to Paper

Zachary Swanson
1 min readFeb 8, 2021

My name is Zachary Swanson, and I’m currently a sophomore at Marquette studying civil engineering. I’m currently taking six hard classes on a college campus, along with being involved in a leu of extracurriculars, so ideas or concepts pop in and out of my mind all day. I hope that by putting my mind to paper, I can tangibly explain some of these concepts that I develop. I find I have an “out of sight, out of mind” tendencies when it comes to learning. I can memorize any set of facts thrown at me. A week later, however, I couldn’t recite a damn thing. The topics are as diverse as they come, and can range from explaining how to derive acceleration in a path coordinate system for my engineering dynamics to explaining why I didn’t get hit by a car blasting 30–40mph on a sidestreet and almost hitting me at the crosswalk while I was out for a 6 mile run last week. Both of these instances are true, by the way. I write in the first person, ask questions, and may even go into detail with pictures, graphs, and charts. Let’s train our thoughts for a train of thoughts.

I’ve been using Duolingo, BBCMundo, and language podcasts to learn Spanish. Some of my future writing may be en espanol. My goal is to write weekly.

I hope that you learn something, because I did just by writing it down.



Zachary Swanson

I hope that someone learns something, because I did just by writing it down.